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A rare oppor­tu­ni­ty to see work by Turn­er Prize-win­ning artist Eliz­a­beth Price, installed in CAST’s black box space

05/03/22 – 18/03/22
Opening Times
Sunday, Closed
Mon–Sat, 10:00 – 17:00
We are in a ‘Hall of Sculptures’, the narrator claims as USER GROUP DISCO (2009) starts, although there is little evidence to justify that grand claim. There is no visible architecture and there are no people – no apparent human action. The only thing that can be seen is litter: a debris of mundane, redundant objects. Mass-produced domestic utensils, kitsch ornaments, labour-saving devices and executive toys are scattered in a black void.

What ensues is a series of reveries and hallucinations concerning those visible things. These dwell upon the institution of ‘Sculpture’ and categories of distinction between art objects and social history artefacts. But this lecture on museology soon gives way to gothic horror in episodes that begin to discern, when examining these objects, the culture that made them.

USER GROUP DISCO runs for fifteen minutes and will play on a loop.

From 4 to 11 2022 March Elizabeth Price will be leading the sixth Cornwall Workshop, a weeklong intensive residential workshop for artists, curators and writers based in Cornwall and the South West. The workshop is organised by CAST and hosted at Kestle Barton on the Lizard peninsula.

Elizabeth Price will visit Falmouth School of Art on 4 March to give an illustrated artist’s talk.

The talk will take place in Lecture Theatre 1 on the Falmouth Campus, at Woodlane starting at 4.30pm and is free and open to the public – booking through Falmouth School of Art’s Eventbrite page.

Elizabeth Price

Elizabeth Price creates short videos that explore the social and political histories of artefacts, architectures and documents. Her works often begin with research into archives and museum collections and always involve a complex process of layering and digital editing – of the written word, the image, sound and rhythm.

Pop music and its technologies are featured often in Price’s work and her soundtracks include percussion and songs. This interest in pop is long-standing, as Price was a founding member and songwriter for the 80s indie band Talulah Gosh.

Born in Bradford in 1966, she grew up in Luton, where she attended Putteridge Comprehensive High School and then studied at the Ruskin School of Art, the Royal College of Art and the University of Leeds.

In 2012 Elizabeth Price was awarded the Turner Prize for her video installation THE WOOLWORTHS CHOIR OF 1979.
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