Screenshot 2021 02 15 17 21 edited min
Workshops & Courses

Drink and Draw: Connecting With Your Body

Join illus­tra­tor Yoli Ward-Streeter for an online draw­ing work­shop that invites you to explore the rela­tion­ship you have with your body.

ONLINE: Drink and Draw – Connecting With Your Body (via Zoom)
Pay What You Can: £0/£3/£5/£10 (1 ticket required per-household)

ONLINE: Drink and Draw: Connecting With Your Body (via Zoom)

Thursday 25th February, 8pm-9:25pm

Join illustrator Yoli Ward-Streeter for an online drawing workshop that invites you to explore the relationship you have with your body. We will be using visual and word-based techniques to delve a little deeper, leading you towards creating something that means something to you and helps you connect with your body!

Drink and Draw is our monthly drawing session held on the last Thursday of each month. Each month will have a different theme and be led by a range of artists. These sessions are open to those who want to try something new as well as experienced artists and everyone in between. These workshops are Pay What You Can, we have a range of price options so that everyone can take part.

This workshop will be held on zoom, you only need to book one ticket for your household. More than one person can take part. You do not need a zoom account to join, you will receive the zoom link and passcode in your booking confirmation email. Please check your junk for this.

You will need:


Things to draw with (pens/pencils/pastels)

Nice to have:

Other art materials (inks/paints/collage)
Screenshot 2021 02 15 17 21 edited min