Cross Pollination opening 22

Cross Pollination - David Shillinglaw

This exhi­bi­tion gath­ers togeth­er works which demon­strate a shape shift­ing prac­tice which cel­e­brates the impor­tance of play and con­stant change.

04/11/21 – 26/11/21
Opening Times
Sun–Tue, Closed
Wed–Sat, 11:00 – 18:00
Cross Pollination is an idea that helps me to understand the process by which I make art. There is a conscious and unconscious back and forth that is integral to my practice, somewhere between a design and a dream. I love the thought that bees don’t know that they are pollinating plants and that the flowers don’t know they are making honey.

The artworks I make overlap and collide, aesthetically and conceptually - the bi-products of one become the starting point of another. I work on multiple pieces simultaneously, moving through an organised chaos of creation and destruction. Each work has it’s own title and autonomy. However, I see everything I do as a continuation, a process of constant development. I am searching for synergy and inter-connectedness. I am tending to a garden, the artworks are fruits, weeds and wild flowers.

David explores analogue possibilities, translating ideas and motifs into whatever materials or techniques are available. Everything is connected, each idea feeds and fertilises the next. Paintings, drawings and collages, works on canvas, paper, ceramics and recent experiments with metal.