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Workshops & Courses

Creative Innovation Centre CIC Printmaking Workshops

Explore print tech­niques and process­es and devel­op an inno­v­a­tive port­fo­lio of prints. Through var­i­ous tech­niques, devel­oped by tutor Adam Grose

12/09/24 – 21/11/24
Opening Times
Sun–Wed, Closed
Thursday, 09:30 – 12:30
Fri–Sat, Closed
Explore print techniques, processes and develop an insight into presentation of your prints to your audience. Through various techniques, developed by tutor Adam Grose, through his continual experimentation, you will explore various print processes, combining and innovating Monotype, Linocut, Woodcut, Dry-point and Screenprint. We will look at ways to bind your print into presentation handmade art books.

These form part of Adam’s ‘transferable skills project’, enabling artists and learners to develop their interdisciplinary skills by combining two of more processes. Compliment your portfolio, build confidence and discover ways of seeing, through practice-based research and experimentation, enabling exploration of your practice in greater detail via various tasks and self-study.

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