Jasleen Kaur Women Hold Up Half The Sky 2019


CLAS­Si­fi­ca­tions is a new group show includ­ing Jasleen Kaur, Dinu Li, Jami­la Prowse and Joshua Raffell.

19/07/24 – 14/10/24
Opening Times
Sunday, 11:00 – 16:00
Mon–Tue, Closed
Wed–Sat, 11:00 – 16:00
Aspex Portsmouth’s major group exhibition CLASSifications delves into the complex realm of class and identity, bringing together four local, national and international artists for the first time with a group of new and pre-existing work.

This expansive exhibition gathers four artists whose work has never been presented together, working with objects to explore how we impart them with meaning and classify them, and in doing so, become a metaphor for how class functions in our society.

Featuring a collection of thought-provoking object-based works by artists, the exhibition will invite audiences to be amongst these objects, reflecting on the lives they (mis)represent and question how class is embedded, marketed and co-opted by the reigning narratives. It will further encourage visitors to contemplate what class looks like nationally and internationally? How does class intersect with identity? and how does class affect the way people consume, make and talk about art?