UWE Fine Art Photograph by Lisa Whiting 1800x1200 c center
Workshops & Courses

CHAMP​​- Fine Arts UWE Workshop

Artist Col­lec­tive CHAMP will vis­it UWE Bris­tol’s Fine Art stu­dios at Spike Island to deliv­er a spe­cial half day work­shop for WEVAA Weekend.

Artist Collective CHAMP will visit UWE Bristol's Fine Art studios at Spike Island to deliver this special half day workshop to a group of final year students in BA (Hons) Fine Art and BA (Hons) Art & Writing.

Part One: To Be A CHAMP You Have To Believe In Yourself When No One Else Will

An explanation of CHAMP and The Brunswick Club with Q&A

Part Two: This Art Is Rubbish Lesson

A practical guide to failure

Part Three: All Selfish Desires Must Be Roasted In The Tempering Fires Of Hard Training

The Becoming. (and an exercise in co-authorship).

How to book ​Interested Level 3 Fine Arts students are invited to sign up via their programme.
UWE Fine Art Photograph by Lisa Whiting 1800x1200 c center