Big Blue by Dave Wicken

Beyond the Beach Huts: Strange Visions of Lyme Regis

Sur­re­al images of imag­ined past and future events in Lyme Reg­is that com­bine local artist Dave Wick­en’s love of pho­tog­ra­phy and drawing.

28/11/23 – 28/01/24
Opening Times
Sunday, 10:00 – 16:00
Mon–Sat, 10:00 – 17:00
Various admission charges
In this fascinating exhibition in Lyme Regis Museum’s Rotunda Gallery, artist Dave Wicken will be sharing with visitors the fruits of his surreal imagination as he portrays the Jurassic Coast in a style halfway between drawing and photography.
“I have been shooting and processing my own photographs as well as producing pen and ink drawings for most of my life,” explains Dave, “but a few years ago it occurred to me that I could combine the two.” He still uses pen and ink in the traditional way, but adds colour and texture with software.
Inspired by the coastal scenery around Lyme Regis, Dave started wondering what may have inhabited the place long ago and what may occur there in the future. His image of a ten-times life-size blue whale, leaping from the sea and about to crush Lyme Regis under its bulk, was inspired by a nightmare he had when he was four years old, but his photomontage of Lyme slipping into a vast chasm in the ‘Great Landslip of 2039’ is hopefully pure fantasy.