Audio Described Tour Bharti Kher The Body Is A Place Chimeras Copyrights Reserved by Artist

Audio Described Tour: Bharti Kher The Body Is A Place

Organ­ised with our friends at Bris­tol Sight Loss Coun­cil and Sight Sup­port, West of Eng­land, Arnolfi­ni are hold­ing an audio described tour.

There will be sighted guides available and complimentary tea and coffee will be served in the café so people can have a chat about the work afterwards.

This tour will be held before the galleries open so that our Visitors Services team are able to lead Audio Descriptive tours in a quieter space. There will also be opportunities to touch samples of the work.

Tour 2: Saturday 14 January 10am to 11am

Free but please book by emailing
Audio Described Tour Bharti Kher The Body Is A Place Chimeras Copyrights Reserved by Artist
Multidisciplinary Sound