Beyond the Wave Dianne Mary Alice

An Artist's Journey

A solo exhi­bi­tion of paint­ings of the nat­ur­al world by Lyme Bay Artist Dianne Mary Alice at the Rotun­da Gallery of the Lyme Reg­is Museum

19/01/22 – 06/03/22
Opening Times
Sunday, 10:00 – 16:00
Mon–Tue, Closed
Wed–Sat, 10:00 – 17:00
Dianne Mary Alice is a professional artist who came to be living by the sea in Dorset via West London and the French canals. She started taking art classes after retiring from a career in fashion, textiles and garden design. An Artist’s Journey is her first solo exhibition, and it runs from 19 January until 6 March at the Rotunda Gallery, Lyme Regis Museum.
Dianne's impressionistic and spontaneous approach captures images and forms from the natural world experimenting with all mediums, usually using a palette knife and just a few colours. Her inspiration comes from big skies, landscapes, plants, flowers and the sea. Sketches and line drawings are done plein air when possible, often moving on to underpainting in acrylic and ending with oil. She started exhibiting three years ago with Dorset Arts Weeks and belongs to Lyme Bay Arts, Artwey and Casterbridge Art societies.
For further information about opening days and times, please visit
Beyond the Wave Dianne Mary Alice