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Achimera: The Phenomenology of Illness

Exhibit­ing over Hal­loween and All souls Day we show­case work by an artist who explores death in a raw and vis­cer­al fashion.

31/10/21 – 03/11/21
Opening Times
Sun–Wed, 10:00 – 17:00
Thu–Sat, Closed
An artist who has undergone lung-transplantation as her only choice for survival. Born with incurable disease Cystic Fibrosis, Poppy Roberts honours the life she has been gifted through producing art. We are taken on a subjective journey through the stages of corporeal decay into rebirth, A culmination of photography and beautifully detailed paintings and drawings. Visitors can experience what the border between life and death might actually look like.

Expect a lively opening night with music from local artist Fabian Child and poetry performance from the artist. All creeps and ghouls of Bristol welcome here!