
MAKE Southwest Craft & Making Saturday Club

We are eager to hear from moti­vat­ed and pas­sion­ate young peo­ple aged 13 – 16 years old who have an inter­est in mak­ing and would ben­e­fit from support.

Applications are open for our brand-new Craft & Making Saturday Club!

The MAKE Southwest Craft & Making Saturday Club is a free development programme for young makers aged 13-16 years, running in partnership with QEST and the National Saturday Club. Over 15 weeks, participants will have the opportunity to try their hand at a range of craft disciplines such as woodcarving, printmaking, ceramics, and bookbinding in a series of Saturday morning workshops delivered by MAKE Southwest maker-members.

Club members can also participate in national events throughout the year including Masterclasses with industry, a Summer Show exhibition of all Club members’ work at London’s prestigious Somerset House, and a Graduation Ceremony.

Participants will also be encouraged to apply for the Bronze Arts Award qualification, which runs in collaboration with Trinity College London.