Call for artists

EMERGENCE: Exhibition Opportunity for Photographers

EMER­GENCE is MAKE Southwest’s upcom­ing exhi­bi­tion that will cel­e­brate the diver­si­ty and tal­ent of emerg­ing pho­tog­ra­phers based in the Southwest.

The exhibition will run for two months in our Riverside Gallery in tandem with our exhibition, Responding to Light, which will showcase the work of seven major British photographers in our Jubilee Gallery. Responding to Light is curated by Susan Brown, and will feature work by Valda Bailey, Ray Spence, Joe Cornish, Marianthi Lainas, Mandy Barker, Susan Derges, and Charlie Waite.

We are looking for emerging and recently graduated photographers who are working across a broad spectrum of the art. They may be working in any field of photography: analogue or digital, cameraless, collage, or film.

We are looking for submissions from photographers who:
• have graduated or started their photographic career, whether full or part time within the last 3 years
• are producing visually strong work, well-composed images or film with strong narrative potential
• are able to show work which is well presented and ready to hang, whether framed or otherwise
• will complement the work of the seven British Photographers in our Jubilee Gallery
• are based in the South West of England (please see the application pack for guidance)