Open call


COM­MU­NAL is a new pro­gramme which responds to the needs of Portsmouth’s cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties by pro­vid­ing a free exper­i­men­tal art space.

Aspex Portsmouth is pleased to launch COMMUNAL, a new public programme which responds to the needs of Portsmouth’s creative communities by providing a space for collaboration, artistic activity, and collective growth.

Looking to remove barriers in accessing spaces due to limited funding, we’re offering our main gallery space to members of our community who would benefit from facilitating and experimenting new ideas that coincide with the running time and themes included in our upcoming exhibition: Group Show.

Whether you run a creative writing group or are looking to host workshops, this is a unique opportunity to make the most of a free experimental space in one of Portsmouth’s most important arts and community hubs.

Examples of appropriate events:

Facilitated workshops
Reading/Discussion groups
Peer to peer reviews
How to apply

To apply for the COMMUNAL programme, please complete the Google form here with your proposed ideas, dates and contact details.

You can download a large print PDF version of the open call here

If the proposal is appropriate and we are able to accommodate your idea successfully/safely in our main gallery space, our Curator and Programme Manager Ricardo will contact you to confirm a booking within two weeks of submitting your application.

**When considering proposals, we will assess risks to ensure the safety of the artworks displayed in the gallery at all times.

**This is not a replacement for our venue hire offer, we will only take proposals that can be facilitated in our exhibition main gallery space and that coincide thematically with Group Show.


At Aspex, we are committed to being responsive to and supporting the specific needs of the creative community we serve. If you require this information in an alternative format such as large print or if there is another way you’d prefer to apply to the open call, please contact us via phone on 02392778080 or email and we will be happy to support you.

About Group Show

Group Show paints a picture of who makes our communities. It explores how diverse communities can intersect and coexist, bringing attention to the power of togetherness. Consisting of a wide range of relationships and group dynamics; such as families, friends, allies and partners, the works demonstrate the human need for company.

Colours and shapes layer together to represent the various walks of life in our local communities. Amongst the vibrant space, the exhibition includes works from five contemporary painters whose portraits invite for slow contemplation and display moments of care. Group Show is a gentle reminder to support and learn from one another regardless of our differences and/or commonalities.


The COMMUNAL programme was first launched in 2018 by the Brighton CCA, and was designed as a template to share resources and networks to build a more sustainable creative ecology and a model for supporting communities over the long term in Brighton.

Catalysed by the pandemic and maintained due to the continuing challenges our communities face, Aspex Portsmouth is taking this approach to offer our space as a meeting point for our local communities to gather. The COMMUNAL programme aims to identify how cultural institutions can best serve their communities through knowledge exchanges between Aspex and Brighton CCA.