
Come Together: Digital Storyteller Commissions

Dig­i­tal Sto­ry­teller Com­mis­sions Call­out at KWMC, Come Togeth­er Pro­gramme, July-Octo­ber 2021

Knowle West Media Centre (KWMC) are looking to commission two South West based digital storytellers / content creators, one with a visual practice (film, photography, illustration etc.) and one with a word-based practice (writing, podcasts etc.), to capture and tell the story of the new ‘Come Together’ project this Summer–Autumn 2021.

Storytellers must have experience of publicly sharing content to tell a story, be excited to work in a community context and familiar with digital software to support their practice. You will be supported and coached to develop your practice by KWMC producers, national partners (including MAIA Group, Grizedale and Onion Collective), critical friends and a creative cohort.

As this project is exploring how to co-create more inclusive hybrid (physical plus digital) spaces, we particularly welcome applications from people who have lived experience of finding digital or physical spaces to be ableist, ageist, racist, classist, sexist, homophobic or transphobic.

Fee: £2,000 each inclusive of VAT
Additional budget available for accessibility (such as travel, BSL, translation etc.).

To apply, read the full Storyteller Brief here:
or listen via the website.

Full details of how to apply are on our website:

To find out more join a free Q&A drop-in, Friday 11 June 2021, 10 – 11am, to hear more about the project and ask questions. Email to receive a link and book a place.