The Originators Fund is one of the three funds that make up the council’s Cultural Investment Programme; the way Bristol City Council distributes public money to support arts and culture across the city.

Originators Grants of £500 to £5,000 are available to Bristol-based individuals or organisations to run events, arts, and cultural activities that take place between May 2024 and April 2025.

This can be 100% of the funding you need for a project, or can be combined with other funding applicants have, or are applying for from other sources, to increase the scale of a project.

Arts Development and Events Officers are offering in person and online opportunities to find out more.

Information and 1-1 support sessions in person at Mshed on Monday 13 November at 2pm and 5pm.

Online 1-1 support sessions with officers are available from 20 November.

Book your slot, read the guidance and apply via the website link provided.