Call for artists

Artist Commission to Creatively Interpret Data from 'Slow the Smoke'

Cre­ative­ly work with data col­lect­ed from air qual­i­ty sen­sors and sto­ries / ideas col­lect­ed from the com­mu­ni­ty to share a clear message.

Date: July to October 2022

Artist Fee: £2,000, inclusive of VAT. Additional budget available to fund access needs, materials and fabrication.

Location: Flexible and welcome to work remotely. Access to workspace and facilities at KWMC and The Factory.

We are looking for an artist working in any medium who has:
- Experience of working with data and interpreting different data sources,
- Experience of or interest in working in community contexts,
- A working process that allows for collaboration and iteration,
- Passion for and strong skills in creating tangible lasting outcomes that tell powerful stories.

Please read the full Artist Brief here: