
Artist-led: Field System

An ongo­ing series pro­fil­ing artist-led ini­tia­tives and groups in the South West. This month we are cel­e­brat­ing Field System.


Can you tell us about Field System, who you are and what you do?

Field System is a gallery, print studio and shop located in Ashburton, on the southeastern edge of Dartmoor National Park. Set up by Milly Brown and Mark Jessett, the gallery is a home for considered works of art, made by active artists, many of whom are influenced by folk traditions and lore, and engaged in the creation of new and inclusive traditions.

The gallery is primarily commercial, balanced with a strong emphasis on benefiting the local community wherever possible. We are anti-artspeak, anti-elitist, anti-fascist. We seek out work that is inspired by, or oriented around folk, the esoteric and the history and habitats of Dartmoor. Milly has over twenty years experience teaching in higher and prison education, following an earlier career in design and trend. Mark is an artist who, until recently, made his work alongside a 24 year career as a paper salesperson.

F Ssign

Can you tell us why you set up and how Field System is important in the context that you are working in?

Field System was born from the desire to dedicate more time to the things we dearly love (making art, making products, finding ways to show exciting and different art by often overlooked artists). As artists, we understood the frustrations of approaching traditional commercial galleries (who are commonly highly risk averse). We wanted to make the kind of place that we have missed in recent years - brave, surprising, inclusive, welcoming, accessible - showing excellent work by committed artists who might be struggling to find outlets; neither producing ‘holiday art’ or making highly conceptual work, instead making artefacts that can be sold, but whose commercial appeal is not the main driver.

Can you tell us about what you are currently working on and if you have any projects coming up you’d like to share with our network?

One highlight from the 2025-26 programme will be Mayday celebrations; beginning on May 1st with the launch event for Lore & Land III (featuring Libby Bove, Gemma Dunnell, Abigail Tinnion, Asha Uberoi and George Radford). This continues on Saturday 3rd May with ‘Summer is Ready! Field System’s Mayday Celebration’, including Morris dancing workshops by Molly No Mates and MAYDAY, talks, a showing of ‘Dartmoor Calling’ and a performance by ‘broken-folk’ band The Lunatraktors. We are also working with Max Naylor, Valerie Amani, Boss Morris and CAMP later this year.

Oss Girls (2024) Lucy Wright

Can you describe your space and context, and how you operate and are funded?

Field System’s gallery is petite (just under 5 x 5m), and we run a shop alongside it in the same building so one can support the other. We wanted it to feel like a really good museum shop - unusual and eclectic. We have little experience of funding, and have aimed to keep the gallery going on a commercial footing. This is a challenge, as it can take a long time to grow an audience of buyers as well as art lovers, build a good reputation, and to gain the trust of buyers and collectors. Our next step is to explore further funding so we can build our programme.

Find out more:
Instagram: @field.system