Wiltshire Creative Summer Open Exhibition
Wiltshire Creative’s Summer Open Exhibition has become an exciting part of Salisbury’s cultural diary.
This very uplifting and popular exhibition focuses on the creativity of Southwest based artists.
Once more the exhibition will be the result of an open call-out to artists working across 2D and wall-hung shallow relief disciplines such as painting, drawing, photography, textiles, wood, mixed media, ceramics, glass etc.
It is a great opportunity for visitors to engage with and to purchase artwork created by artists both familiar and new to our Salisbury audience.
The selection panel this year includes:
Sharon Kearley BA Hons, MA – Textile Artist and Lecturer
Tim Scrace BA, BArch, RIBA, ARB – Architect, Lecturer and Artist
Lara Hoad BA Hons - Artist and Young Arts Voice
With Mirka Golden-Hann BA Hons, MA - Resident Artist Head of Visual Arts Wiltshire Creative
Once more the exhibition will be the result of an open call-out to artists working across 2D and wall-hung shallow relief disciplines such as painting, drawing, photography, textiles, wood, mixed media, ceramics, glass etc.
It is a great opportunity for visitors to engage with and to purchase artwork created by artists both familiar and new to our Salisbury audience.
The selection panel this year includes:
Sharon Kearley BA Hons, MA – Textile Artist and Lecturer
Tim Scrace BA, BArch, RIBA, ARB – Architect, Lecturer and Artist
Lara Hoad BA Hons - Artist and Young Arts Voice
With Mirka Golden-Hann BA Hons, MA - Resident Artist Head of Visual Arts Wiltshire Creative