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Whose Woods These Are... Aspects of Landscape

Four excep­tion­al land­scape artists, each work­ing in dif­fer­ent medi­ums, will be on dis­play togeth­er in our front gallery over­look­ing Wells cathedral.

GBS Fine Art are proud to present an exhibition of the work of 4 artists who each take radically different approaches to the depiction of landscape. Jeffrey Blondes, an American resident in France, makes long meditative films honing in on the intersection of time and the landscape; the exquisite panels of Sue Bryan, Irish yet resident in NYC, are founded in drawing, working and reworking her memories of the Irish landscape; Devon-based Keiron Leach “paints” in india ink and wash, fashioning the pictorial equivalent of haiku poems on tiny paper sheets; and watercolourist, Magnus Petersson, brilliantly evokes the light and landscape that surround his home in the vast forests that swathe Sweden.
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Drawing Painting