
UNMADE [space inbetween]

Muli­ti-dis­apli­nary exhibiton curat­ed by Joce­lyn Brett and Hat Fid­kin, show­cas­ing queer femme and non-bina­ry emerg­ing artists.

28/10/22 – 02/11/22
Opening Times
Sun–Wed, 11:00 – 17:00
Thursday, Closed
Friday, 18:00 – 21:00
Saturday, 11:00 – 17:00
Opening Friday 28th October.


UNMADE [SPACES INBETWEEN] is a spell spent in utero, post-death, pre-rebirth. Mutation, womb space and science fictions are explored through the intersection between nature and technology, the sensual and the squishy.


Exhibition by 2022 Spike Island fellows Joceyln Brett and Hat Fidkin, showcasing both their work as a collaborative duo and individual practices.

They are joined by a carefully curated line-up of queer femme and non-binary emerging artists, working across video, sound, sculpture, text, performance, painting and more.

During the exhibtion there will be a variety of performances and workshops, check the Centrespace Website or Headfirst for more information.


Ama Dogbe // Amber Bardell // April Kirkwood // Esmee Turlej // Hannah Suharto // Katya Sykes // Lauren Graham // Leifang Collaborative : Katie Platts & Phoebe Bray // MP // Ray Chappell // Sol Baldi // Twara // Yves Sullivan – Taylor


Friday 28th October 6pm - 9pm
Opening will feature performances from emerging Bristol Based artsits.

Sunday 30th October 6-7pm
Mycilial Sound Bath with Hat and Amber

Monday 31st October 7.00-8.30PM
A performance by Hat Fidkin and Jocelyn Brett. With original sound piece by Twara, M.P. and Hat Fidkin. Choreography, costumes and makeup by Yves Sullivan-Taylor

Tuesday 1st November, 5.30-7.30
Biosonification Play Workshop with Jocelyn Brett and Hat Fidkin

Search Centrespace on Headfirst to buy your tickets.


Follow @jocelyn_brett_art and @hatfidkin for more information.