Inspired by Autumn, we celebrate the season’s beauty through various crafts, sharing our love for nature with the City.
Watching the leaves change colour, the influence of the moon and the harvest season makes Autumn a time of reflection. Inspired by the natural umber colour pallet, we are using wood, print, weaving, painting, floristry, textiles and ceramics to show our creative interpretation. We would like to celebrate this sense of a shared love for Autumn by bringing it to the City.
Amber Bardell will be doing a 1/30h workshop on Sunday 15th
Martha Opher @marthaopher // Sophie Bowen @artistsophiebowen // Holly Goldsmith @_hollygoldsmith // Sanni @sannillustrates // Amber Bardell @amberbardell // Bob Watson @happenstanceworkshop // Lily Sparey @spareysgarden // Rachel Opher @rachelopher
Amber Bardell will be doing a 1/30h workshop on Sunday 15th
Martha Opher @marthaopher // Sophie Bowen @artistsophiebowen // Holly Goldsmith @_hollygoldsmith // Sanni @sannillustrates // Amber Bardell @amberbardell // Bob Watson @happenstanceworkshop // Lily Sparey @spareysgarden // Rachel Opher @rachelopher