Poster centrespace

The Sight of Music

The Sight of Music is an exhi­bi­tion cel­e­brat­ing the con­nec­tion between visu­al art and music.

11/04/25 – 16/04/25
Opening Times
Sun–Wed, 11:00 – 18:00
Thursday, Closed
Friday, 18:00 – 22:00
Saturday, 11:00 – 18:00
The Sight of Music is an exhibition celebrating the connection between visual art and music. Bringing together a group of talented artists from Bristol and beyond, the exhibition showcases the way that these visual artists are inspired by music in their life and creative practice. Each of their resonant and distinctive experiences of engaging with music and sound will be transformed into visual expression through a selection of masterful printmaking, graphic design, illustration, painting, ceramics and sculpture.

Live music and creative events throughout the week of the exhibition will give visitors a chance to explore their own relationship between music and visual art:

- Opening night featuring live music and performance art from Maya Albagaloo

- The Joy of the Playlist: A playlist, cover art creation and swap workshop with Ed Cheverton

- Life drawing session to live improvised music hosted by United Models

- Sound Swatches: Spectrogram zine workshop with Molly Fairhurst

- Band merch tote bag printing workshop with Martyna Gradziel

Join us in a celebration of these intertwining art forms that help define the fabric of the city we live and create in.

A portion of the proceeds from this exhibition will benefit Sound Without Sight, an important initiative that provides support and opportunities for blind and partially sighted musicians, audio engineers and industry professionals.

This exhibition is made possible through funding from the West of England Combined Authority.

For updates and details, follow us on Instagram: @sightofmusic_bristol

Andrew Wilson / Caio Wheelhouse / Dylan Woodall / Ed Cheverton / Emily Seffar / Eska Marsh / Edith Morris / Guillaume de Ubeda / Hannah Forward / Jessie Chiang / Jonny Hannah / Martyna Gradziel / Maya Albagaloo / Molly Fairhurst / Sanni Pyhänniska / Steph Dutton / Tess Duffin
Poster centrespace