Julian Witt

The Annual Open Exhibition - Westward Ho! & Bideford Art Society

The annu­al open exhi­bi­tion is a local high­light of the arts cal­en­dar in North Devon.

The annual open exhibition is a local highlight of the arts calendar in North Devon with work by some of the best established and up and coming local artists. On show this year will be an eclectic mix of over 300 artworks, 2D, 3D and photographic – a visual treat, with something for everyone. The Ken Doughty prize (a commemoration of the Society’s past president) is awarded to an outstanding artwork chosen from the exhibition. Work will be available to purchase.

If you are a local artist and want to take part, you can also enter work for selection for this open entry exhibition – entry forms and how to take part will be on the Society’s website early in 2023 at www.whobidarts.co.uk The Westward Ho! and Bideford Art Society are a widely known and respected Art Society which has historic links to the Burton Art Gallery & Museum in Bideford, North Devon. Members of the Society include painters, printmakers, sculptors, wood-carvers, potters and textile artists.

Hand in dates: Friday 24 March & Saturday 25 March, 2023. Find out more details here.
Julian Witt