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Talks & Seminars

Tent Talk II - Creative practice, photography & the land

Dis­cus­sions in response to Anthol­o­gy of Rur­al Life — Farm­ers of The Lizard around the rela­tion­ship between pho­tog­ra­phers and the land

Opening Times
11:00 – 17:00
Colin Robins & Oliver Udy: Anthology of Rural Life - Farmers of The Lizard (15 Jun - 1 Sep) is a photographic survey of families and individuals involved with the land.

In response to the exhibition, and the new work made on the Lizard Peninsula, the day will include a series of discussions around the relationship between photographers and the land. With a range of practices represented, the speakers will discuss their approach to making work about the land, and the communities that are interwoven around it.

Speakers include Colin Robins & Oliver Udy (ARL), Jem Southam, Joanne Coates, Oli Raymond Barker, Jo Bradford and William Arnold.

St Keverne Band will also be performing The Worm Forgives the Plough, 2024 by Georgia Gendall. Composed by Seamas Carey and arranged by Freddie Hodkin.