old black and white photo with three women around a table in a garden
Talks & Seminars

Tea for two: Afternoon tea in the 1920s

Dr Paul Cleave will explore some of the tra­di­tions and eti­quette of after­noon tea in the 1920s.

Whether at home or in Deller’s Café discover what food might have been served, and how afternoon tea became an important occasion and opportunity for eating out for many holiday makers and residents.

Paul has a long-term interest in food and its social history. Devon’s food heritage and hospitality is the focus of his current research.

The talk has been inspired by RAMM’s exhibitions on food which will be running over the year. It is also a contribution to the Festival of Devon in the 1920s from March to October. RAMM also has a separate exhibition as its own contribution to the Festival. Details of all Festival events can be found at https://devontwentiesfestival.co.uk
old black and white photo with three women around a table in a garden