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Workshops & Courses

Sunday Club - Monoprinting

For chil­dren aged 7 – 12, this is a Kids Art Club like no oth­er, where chil­dren get to work on easels and use the same high art qual­i­ty mate­ri­als as our

Explore the versatile medium of monoprint with local printmaker Annabel Wilkes. Using re-found materials, design a composition inspired by the Cornish landscape. By tearing, cutting and arranging materials onto a base plate you will have the opportunity to print your design in different coastal colours by using printing inks. Annabel will then guide you to experiment with further layers of colour, allowing you to create visually exciting and unique prints to take home.

We are happy to continue offering limited FREE Scholarship places for those on low income. Please contact info@schoolofpainting.co.uk. for a Scholarship application form.
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