Summer is Ready! Field System’s Mayday Celebration, Saturday 3rd May.
A day long celebration of the arrival of summer, with dancing, dressing up, discourse and delight.
This Beltane, join us in the historic Stannary town of Ashburton, where Field System Gallery and Ashburton Arts Centre present a town-wide and inclusive celebration of the arrival of summer. There will be much to make you merry, expect art, dancing, dressing up, discourse and delight!
This is a Mayday celebration for our time. In an age of fractured politics, hate speech and environmental disaster, we are drawing on the rural and activist traditions of the Maydays past to celebrate things that unite us; social justice, equality, tolerance and, of course, the return of summer!
The event includes feminist retellings of folkloric tales in the Lore and Land III art exhibition, Morris dancing with Molly No Mates, Bristol’s premier queer, drag king Molly dancing team, and a social activism workshop with Right To Roam supporters and campaigners, MAYDAY Morris.
This is a Mayday celebration for our time. In an age of fractured politics, hate speech and environmental disaster, we are drawing on the rural and activist traditions of the Maydays past to celebrate things that unite us; social justice, equality, tolerance and, of course, the return of summer!
The event includes feminist retellings of folkloric tales in the Lore and Land III art exhibition, Morris dancing with Molly No Mates, Bristol’s premier queer, drag king Molly dancing team, and a social activism workshop with Right To Roam supporters and campaigners, MAYDAY Morris.