anima mundi, Summa 24, exhibition,

Summa 24

umma 24 fea­tures works by Miles Cleve­land Good­win, Judith Nan­gala Crispin, Arthur Lany­on, Joy Wolfend­en Brown and Car­los Zapata.

15/11/24 – 01/02/25
Opening Times
Sunday, Closed
Mon–Sat, 10:00 – 16:30
We close the year and start the next with an exhibition featuring a selection of the excellent artists who featured in our 2024 programme at Anima Mundi.

This eclectic celebratory exhibition will offer visitors a chance to re-visit some elements from past shows or perhaps see for the first time what they may have missed at certain points throughout this busy calendar year.

Summa 24 will feature works by Miles Cleveland Goodwin, Judith Nangala Crispin, Arthur Lanyon, Joy Wolfenden Brown and Carlos Zapata curated over all three floors of the gallery.
anima mundi, Summa 24, exhibition,