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Somerset Art Weeks Festival 2024

This year is the Som­er­set Art Weeks Fes­ti­val, where col­lab­o­ra­tive exhi­bi­tions and group shows spring up across the region.

Somerset artists and makers of every medium, from painting to performance, will be joining the Festival to form part of this celebration of our county’s exciting creative voices.

Somerset Art Weeks alternates each year between Somerset Open Studios and the Somerset Art Weeks Festival. After the Somerset Open Studios in 2023 it is now Somerset Art Weeks Festival 2024, with the theme of Landscape: Flux and Flow.

As well as our traditional printed guide, you can also access everything you need to enjoy the event digitally, via the links on the Somerset Art Works website. Guides are distributed across the county and beyond in a huge selection of cultural venues, including libraries, galleries, museums and tourist visitor centres.