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Open Studios

Site Festival 2023 : Open Studios, Events, Exhibitions and more

Site Fes­ti­val is an annu­al pro­gramme of artist-led projects; events, exhi­bi­tions, talks and direc­to­ry of Open Stu­dios in the Stroud district.

03/06/23 – 24/06/23
Site Festival 2023
3rd - 24th June

Site Festival is an annual programme of artist-led projects; events, exhibitions, talks and Open Studios in the Stroud district. The Open Studios weekends will take place from 10th-11th June and 17th-18th June.

There is always a wide range of events, and there is something for everyone.

Open Studios is part of the wider programme of Site Festival, allowing artists to explore, develop projects and open their work up to the public.

Find more information at
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