Let It Breathe 01

Let it Breathe by Svetlana Ochkovskaya

Let it Breathe is a new exhi­bi­tion by per­for­mance artist Svet­lana Ochkovskaya com­ing to Old Northam Road this January.

Svetlana makes immersive, disorientating, alien spray-foam installations and costumes; mythic representations of her world view. Inhabited by a creature that is neither human nor alien, real or imaginary, these glowing environments and tactile costumes bend the fragile boundaries of our perceived reality.

For this Hidden Wardrobe show, Svetlana will be exhibiting a new sculptural work, called Let it Breathe.

“Our lungs are two organs inside our chest filling with air as we breathe in. However, the most important function of the lungs is to carry movements of mind, speech, and body.

Referring to personal experience of lung surgeries during the lockdowns – when the illness had painstakingly shifted my life – this display meditates on a chance as a conductor that orchestrates our encounter of the world. “Where the lung is like a horse, and the mind is the rider if there is something wrong with the horse the rider will not be able to ride properly” (Have Carel, 2016). Through this work, I explore the phenomenology of spatial perception.

Imagining the Hidden Wardrobe building as a creature with its unique system of organs, I hope to break down the everyday experience of space and create a disorientated environment, moving away from our atomised perception of the world.”

You're also invited to join us on Friday 7th January at 6pm for the launch event at the Hidden Wardrobe on Old Northam Road 🚀 Tickets are free and can be booked on Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/launch-event-let-it-breathe-by-svetlana-ochkovskaya-at-the-hidden-wardrobe-tickets-220561514427

If you are unable to attend don’t worry, we will also be launching the exhibition online on our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeTXxWpVl94tkb1Vda4TwJQ