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Workshops & Courses

Scribble and Sketch

Join our Scrib­ble and Sketch artists at loca­tions across the city on Sat­ur­days once a month for FREE fam­i­ly workshops.

Join our Scribble and Sketch artists at locations across the city on Saturdays once a month for FREE family workshops.

These sessions are designed for children and grown-ups to take part in together - everyone is welcome.

Admission is free. No pre-booking required. Suitable for all ages, children must be supervised.

Dates and Locations

RWA all sessions until Feb 2022 will be online

Easton Community Centre, Kilburn St, Bristol BS5 6AW

Saturday afternoons: 17th July, 14th August, 18th September, 16th October, 20th November, 11th December, 1.30pm-3.30pm

Faithspace, Redcliffe

Greenway Centre, Southmead

Hartcliffe Children's Centre

(dates tbc starting late September 2021)
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