Memory workshop photo anonymous
Talks & Seminars

Recipes for Making

Join us for an evening delv­ing into the process­es of three grad­u­at­ing artists, on the occa­sion of the 2024 Under­grad­u­ate Degree Show!

18/06/24 – 19/06/24
Bath & NE Somerset
Opening Times
Sun–Mon, Closed
Tuesday, 18:00 – 20:00
Wed–Sat, Closed
Over three ‘courses’, we will be introduced to each artist’s recipe for making through interactive presentations. During the evening, you will get to make dumplings, echo the sounds of collective memories and free up creative blocks using explorative methodologies!

About the speakers: 

Charlotte Aldridge’s practice is the extension of cooking and dining with an artistic context, presenting themes of gastronomy, Chinese culture, diaspora, and nostalgia. She explores how cooking inhabits traces of culture: by reenacting recipes handed down through generations, and inviting guests to cook with her, Aldrige is able to connect with and navigate her heritage and identity.

Alice Quarterman is interested in alternative and expanded timekeeping and its relation to rhythm and experience. By exploring ways of listening (and how these stimulate other senses and actions), works made in response act as records, visualisations, or ways of understanding time. The works do not promise any particular outcome for either audience or artist, but instead offers an invitation to explore the possibilities within different ways of being.

Rebecca Young explores the fragmented and often fictitious nature of memories. Curious about the journey of recollection we all experience, Young’s work acknowledges that reminiscing the past cannot be avoided without inaccuracies. Her process often involves collaboration as a method to continually integrate multiple perspectives in order to activate works.

What are WEVAA Wednesdays? 
We’re arranging monthly gatherings at the Locksbrook Campus for visual artists and organisations, to help keep us better connected! WEVAA Wednesday’s take the form of sessions, socials and workshops aimed at supporting networking and professional development for the visual arts community in Bath and North East Somerset. 

About WEVAA: 
The West of England Visual Arts Alliance (WEVAA), an Arts Council England funded project, is working to transform the future of visual arts in the region by providing opportunities and development towards a more progressive, sustainable and inclusive sector. Find out more here.