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Workshops & Courses

Phytography Workshop with Karel Doing

Exper­i­ment with the method of Phy­tog­ra­phy’ using a range of nat­ur­al plant mat­ter and pho­to­chem­i­cal materials.

The Phytography process enables interaction between the phytochemical properties of plants and photochemical emulsion as a method that strives for a deeper relationship with plants, both through observation and education. The method can be applied and exhibited in various ways: on film, in installations, directly on photopaper and as enlarged prints. Phytography is the practical outcome of a research project by artist Karel Doing focussed on the representation of the natural world in cinema.

This is part of a BEEF curated programme series that shines a light on experimental and expanded film practices homegrown in the city and beyond.

This programme is supported by West of England Visual Arts Alliance (WEVAA) and funded by Arts Council England.
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