3D artwork by Future Meadows, a collective in Grow Studios
Open Studios

Open Studios 2024 + Sue Lewry's Mobile Printmaking Machine

Meet the artists of Grow Stu­dios and what goes on behind stu­dio doors! Plus, expe­ri­ence new mobile print­mak­ing machine Colos­sal’ by artist Sue Lewry.

Meet the artists of Grow Studios in Plymouth and what goes on behind studio doors! Plus, experience new mobile printmaking machine by artist-in-residence, Sue Lewry.

GROW is located in the cultural quarter of Plymouth and has been creative home to over 15+ Plymouth-based artists since 2021. The top four floors of the building have been converted into studios and a coworking space and include painters, audio artists, printmakers, installation and socially engaged artists, as well as graphic an 3D designers.

The ground floor has been used as a project and event space and for pop-up residencies, where we work with creative and community partners to experiment and explore the building, its surroundings, heritage and future in terms of sustainability, inclusion and culture.