Dm21 pca mohini chandra 300dpi 3145 1
Talks & Seminars

Mohini Chandra Artist Talk & Publication Launch

Join us to hear artist Mohi­ni Chan­dra dis­cuss her cur­rent exhi­bi­tion at MIRROR

5.30-6.30pm - Artist Talk
6.30-7.30pm - Publication launch and drinks reception

FREE / All welcome

Booking essential. Please book via Eventbrite:


Join us to hear artist Mohini Chandra discuss her new exhibition at MIRROR and launch her exhibition catalogue which will be available for sale during the event. Mohini will be joined by archaeologist Mallory Hass from the SHIPS project who has worked closely with Mohini on the development of her new body of work.


Paradise Lost Catalogue, 2021

Limited edition, 100 page, full colour, illustrated catalogue with an essay by Alice Correia and a conversation between Mohini Chandra and Mallory Haas.

£20 plus p&p

Pre-order/email/phone orders via:
Paragon Books, Sidmouth
Ph:+44 1395 514516

In person sales when visiting the exhibition at MIRROR, from the Plymouth College of Art reception desk.