Mangotsfield Folly First Shoot Finals LOW RES 0388 1200px wide
Workshops & Courses

Meetings with Birds

Walk, talk and draw with artist Fer­al Prac­tice and ornithol­o­gist Auro­ra Gon­za­lo Tar­o­do at the for­mer Man­gots­field Station.

This event forms part of a site specific commission at Mangotsfield Folly by artist Fiona MacDonald. Fiona works with human and non human beings as Feral Practice to create art projects and events that develop ethical and imaginative connection across species boundaries. In this event you are invited to walk, talk and draw with Feral Practice and ornithologist Aurora Gonzalo Tarodo. Learn about migration and partnership in the bird world. See birds up close. Part of the 12-month creative programme at Mangotsfield Folly. To book your place email
Mangotsfield Folly First Shoot Finals LOW RES 0388 1200px wide
Drawing Research

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