Egg tempera workshop photo
Workshops & Courses

Masterclass in Making Gesso and Egg Tempera Paint with Carysella Wilson

This mas­ter­class in mak­ing ges­so and egg tem­pera paint with Cary­sel­la Wil­son will teach you tra­di­tion­al sur­face prepa­ra­tion of ges­so and egg tempera.

Gesso is a traditional painting ground, and gives a beautifully smooth, almost porcelain surface to paint onto. Egg tempera paint is fun to make and a really 'hands on' way of engaging fully with your materials. Gesso and egg tempera paint take time, patience and care to make, and can be almost meditative to both make and paint with/on.

After learning prep a gesso board, in between layers of gesso drying, you will learn how to make egg tempera paint, and make an observational study using the paint, on a pre-prepared gesso board that is fully dry and ready to paint on. You will leave the workshop with two gesso boards - one with their painted image on and another prepared to work on in their own time.
Egg tempera workshop photo