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Workshops & Courses

Mark Fell: Exploring spatial synthesis, listening and subjectivity

The Stu­dio in Bath invites com­pos­er and artist Mark Fell to host a week­end-long work­shop of col­lab­o­ra­tive spa­tial sound exper­i­ments and recordings.

For our summer event, and our contribution to the Fringe Arts Bath festival programme, The Studio in Bath invites composer and artist Mark Fell to host a weekend-long workshop of collaborative spatial sound experiments and recordings.

Event Overview:
This workshop brings together electronic sound synthesis and multi-speaker systems to consider the dynamic relationships between sound, environment and self.

Conventional spatial audio systems – like Dolby Atmos and ambisonics – are designed as general-purpose frameworks that function independently of their context, offering pseudo-perfect illusions of sonic objects as they move around a spatially-fixed and centralised listener.

This workshop confronts the ideological assumptions at play in such systems, with a series of group exercises, interventions, discussions, and analysis, culminating in the creation of an immersive spatial-sonic structure. No technical expertise or training is necessary.