Makers Tale 2

Makers' Tale

Mak­ers’ Tale exhi­bi­tion is a col­lab­o­ra­tion between Wilt­shire Cre­ative and UCA Farn­ham in asso­ci­a­tion with Sal­is­bury Cathedral.

14/09/21 – 30/10/21
Opening Times
Sun–Mon, Closed
Tue–Sat, 10:00 – 15:00
Makers’ Tale

Following on from our exuberant showcase of South West talent in our Summer Open exhibition Wiltshire Creative is proud to present Makers’ Tale exhibition a result of the collaboration between Wiltshire Creative and The University for the Creative Arts Farnham in association with the Salisbury Cathedral.

Initially intended for the Salisbury International Arts Festival 2020 Makers’ Tale exhibition was produced in the first lockdown virtually in the form of an online panel discussion and exhibition catalogue. Now finally installed at Salisbury Arts Centre, this exhibition explores the themes of the movement of ideas between disciplines, the relationships which arise from disciplinary crossovers, and the passing and advancement of skills. Through creative media such as sculpture, light work, textiles, music, ceramic, metal, and sound Makers’ Tale highlights the persistence of craft knowledge within the context of modern creative industries.

The exhibition artists are Hermione Thomson (textiles), Peta Jacobs (textiles), Manuela Kagerbauer (metal), Michelle Shields (ceramics) and Cara Wassenberg (glass and metal) and composer Dr Harry Whalley together with composer Akira Sileas and Cellist Anna Menzies.
The exhibition further includes the work by recent UCA graduates Charlotte Bull, Wendy Irving, Lizzie Lovell, Katie Sims, Eleanor Cocking and Jamie Dunlop Valentine created in response to behind the scenes visit to Salisbury Cathedral in January 2020.
Diana Harrison, UCA Senior Lecturer Textiles said: 'This is a particularly important experience for our international students, for whom witnessing hidden sites of the Cathedral is a unique insight into our culture.'

Makers’ Tale exhibition curators Loucia Manopoulou (PhD UCA candidate), and Mirka Golden-Hann, Head of Visual Arts at Wiltshire Creative have been invited to present an exhibition paper at an online international symposium organized by Applied Arts Scotland; Identity, Collaboration and Sustainability: festival of craft in September 27th, 28th, and 29th.

Exhibition’s curator Loucia Manopoulou said: “Makers’ Tale and its storytellers communicate a continuum of life and craft making. Space, place, collaboration and the making process become visible and audible within the exhibition. It is a credit to the makers’ abilities as storytellers that we can picture the movement of ideas, of making and the transfer of knowledge.”
This exhibition also includes an associated educational programme consisting of an Audio Research Cluster – Sound in Spaces seminar With Dr James Armstrong and Dr Harry Whalley on 20 October and Eco-Resin mixed media making workshop with the exhibition artist Hermione Thomson on 16 Ocober.

Makers’ Tale exhibition runs at Salisbury Arts Centre from 14th September to 30thOctober 2021.

Monday 27 - Thursday 30 September
Old Stories, New Narratives Symposium
a strand of Identity, Collaboration, Sustainability: an online, international festival of craft

Audio Research Cluster Talk with Dr James Armstrong

Eco – Resin Workshop with Hermione Thomson