Liquid Now: Experimental & Expanded Photography Exhibition

Liquid Now: Experimental & Expanded Photography Exhibition

Liq­uid Now’ presents artists work­ing with exper­i­men­tal and expand­ed pho­tog­ra­phy by ques­tion­ing the dom­i­nant pho­to­graph­ic medi­um and its materiality.

As investigations driven by curious minds, the exhibited work looks beyond representation and raises questions about time and what it means to be alive within these liquid times.
With Artists : Melanie Clifford, Sarah Rose Currie, Katie Davies, Melissa Edwards, Sam Francis, Claudia Pilsl, Mars Saude, Sophie Sherwood, Deborah Weinreb:DW.

The techniques and practices exhibited range from film and digital photography, to performance, installation, projection, and moving image, through to alternative forms of image making such as phytograms, cyanotypes, and thermal prints. With increasing liquidity, stability and order no longer have any place and the only certainty is change and impermanence.

From diverse historical material ranging from Weinreb’s screen pieces of early 80’s China, to Pilsl’s cyanotypes made from her father’s images of a family gathering. Davies’s installation ‘Speaker’ reflects on a North Korean Propaganda village while Clifford works with light and sound exploring our perception of stillness, flicker and illusory motion. Currie shows us explorations of quiet shadows of Japan and Sherwood’s site- specific work looks at relationships with the local flora of Stokes Croft, while Francis presents 35mm prints of plants close-up. Edwards works with a range of mixed techniques while Saude applies the experimental film tradition of the somatic camera to an autistic bodymind.

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