A cartoon image using pink and black colours of the museum, with a girl holding a poster that says 'this is me'.
Workshops & Courses

LGBTQ+ History Month Creative Activity

To cel­e­brate LGBTQ+ His­to­ry Month in Feb­ru­ary vis­i­tors will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect with our col­lec­tions differently.

Local artist Scotty Gillespie has created an engaging activity that invites people of all ages to explore the museum’s remarkable collections and discover connections to your own identity. Through this fun activity book, you will have the opportunity to create your own unique character, drawing inspiration from the treasures found within the museum. 
A cartoon image using pink and black colours of the museum, with a girl holding a poster that says 'this is me'.
Curating Education