Helenaclews torcrosssunset 100x100cm hh l0ypa5

Land to Sea

Hele­na Clews and Lin­da Tudor present a new body of expres­sive paint­ings explor­ing local land and seascapes.

28/06/22 – 03/07/22
Opening Times
Sunday, 10:00 – 15:00
Monday, Closed
Tue–Sat, 10:00 – 17:00
Opening view: Tuesday 28 June, 6 - 8 pm.

Helena Clews explores the merging of landscape with abstraction, focusing on areas along her local coastline. Intrigued by how much or how little visual information is needed, be it colour or gestural markmaking, her work alludes to something that is difficult to define or to identify as a particular thing in the world whilst being at the same time recognisable as an abstract painting.

Retired from teaching art and design in Scotland and England, Linda Tudor has been a full member of the Society of Designer Craftsmen and has developed her paintings with tuition from members of the New English Art Club, mentoring from a Fellow of the Royal College or Art and inspiration from the view of the River Dart from her studio.
Helenaclews torcrosssunset 100x100cm hh l0ypa5
Drawing Painting