
Journeys in Art

A ret­ro­spec­tive of paint­ings and sculp­ture by Alexan­der Holl­weg (1936 – 2020).

'Journeys in Art' is a vibrant display of paintings and sculpture by Modern British artist Alexander Hollweg (1936-2020). Hollweg painted for many years from the Nettlecombe estate, home to a creative community of artists, musicians and writers in West Somerset.

The exhibition will display watercolours of pastoral and industrial scenes inspired by Hollweg’s life in Somerset and London. Local depictions include the hamlet of Yarde, Willett Tower and Watchet, a place Hollweg loved. Portraits and still life paintings also feature, together with woodcuts. Visitors will be able to see some of the 40 painted wooden sculptures that were exhibited at Hollweg’s first major exhibition, held at the Whitechapel Gallery, London, in 1971. It was this show which led to his work being exhibited internationally, including in Italy and New York. His best-known work, the woodcut ‘Country Dance’, was commissioned to celebrate the bicentenary of the birth of John Constable in 1976 and is now part of the Tate Collection. One of Hollweg’s largest and most ambitious commissions, is a mural for the Charlotte Street Hotel in London, which was completed in 2000.

‘Journeys in Art’ has been produced in partnership with The Court Gallery.
Painting Sculpture