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Jamaica St Studios Winter Auction

We have many artis­tic offer­ings avail­able to bid on, all from artists at our stu­dios in Bris­tol, UK.

This year we were unable to do our annual Open Studios in June, and as a result we have lost vital funds, we normally raise during the weekend event, to contribute to our annual studio running costs.

Our new Winter Auction is an opportunity to offset the lost fundraising from this summer but also a thrilling chance to reconnect or connect for the first time with our wider community.

We decided to do this now, because we thought that some of you might like to bid on a piece as a present for upcoming seasonal celebrations. Please note that many of our artists will be sending your winning piece with the intention to get it to you in time for this, but we can not promise or guarantee this.

For any further questions please don't hesitate to contact us on studio@jamaicastreetartists.co.uk.

Thanks always for supporting us. We are really glad your here... lets get bidding!
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