Whats App Image 2022 09 29 at 14 29 33

It’s a Problem for the Kids // LUCY BARTER

AUB grad­u­ate award exhi­bi­tion. Con­tem­po­rary art and sculp­ture by Bournemouth based young artist Lucy Barter.

21/10/22 – 23/10/22
Opening Times
Sunday, 12:00 – 17:00
Mon–Thu, Closed
Friday, 12:00 – 20:30
Saturday, 12:00 – 17:00
AUB graduate award exhibition.
Contemporary art and sculpture by Bournemouth based young artist Lucy Barter.
Barter’s work is on first glance, a series of childlike sculptures combined to create an engaging installation. However, this playful exterior is deceiving as dead fish are strung up by hooks in their mouths whilst a giant cod lies lifeless behind. ‘It’s a Problem for the Kids’ looks to highlight climate damage, with the global issue of bottom trawling and overfishing being a key concern to the artist. Materials used in Barter’s piece (Steel, Latex, Plaster, Polystyrene, and jesmonite) include some that are considered environmentally 'harmful' to enhance its sinister aspect.
D-UNIT is proud to host Lucy’s first ever solo presentation after she received the AUB award from her BA degree show for an outstanding exhibition from staff at Arts University Bournemouth.
Whats App Image 2022 09 29 at 14 29 33
Installation Sculpture