INTERVENTION: New paintings by Matthew Hayward
This exhibition addresses conflict, ranging from protest against injustice to invasions with their devastating consequences. It also has to do with h
"War has awful consequences, whether begun with high hopes for changing the world for the better or with the basest motives.
However, there are still, in the words of Primo Levi, “moments of reprieve”; for instance when a soldier saves a child, or a refugee is rescued from the sea.
The work does not make a judgement: Rather it communicates disturbance, agitation and passion” Matthew Hayward, July 2022.
However, there are still, in the words of Primo Levi, “moments of reprieve”; for instance when a soldier saves a child, or a refugee is rescued from the sea.
The work does not make a judgement: Rather it communicates disturbance, agitation and passion” Matthew Hayward, July 2022.