Sonia Boue and Ashokkumar D Mistry Las Gemelas Arrival a lexicon of unmaking LOWRES 028
Talks & Seminars

In Conversation with Sonia Boué and Ashokkumar D Mistry

Join Sonia Boué & Ashokku­mar D Mis­try in con­ver­sa­tion with Woodrow Ker­nohan and Kai Syng Tan, as they dis­cuss their cur­rent John Hansard Gallery show.

Las Gemelas (The Twins) are the creative duo Sonia Boué and Ashokkumar D Mistry. Hear about their collaboration and what the twinning of practice means to them, culminating in their exhibition, Las Gemelas: Arrival (a lexicon of unmaking).

As neurodivergent artists, their conversation will touch on how they have tested boundaries through a process of unmaking, and their different approaches to understanding and navigating themselves whilst creating new works.

Boué and Mistry researched into the Basque child refugee archives, held within Special Collections at the University of Southampton. They will share some of their methodology and how the exhibition connects to the UoS Collection and historical context. Part of their process has been to transform the archive into a multisensory experience, placing an importance on the memory of care and a coming together of communities.

The Gallery will be open from 5.30pm for visitors to view the exhibition. The talk will begin at 6pm and finish at 7pm. Following the talk, there will be an opportunity to network. Refreshments will be provided.
Sonia Boue and Ashokkumar D Mistry Las Gemelas Arrival a lexicon of unmaking LOWRES 028