

This exhi­bi­tion explores Kather­ine Lock­ett-Clark’s pho­to­graph­ic work which exam­ines the ten­der and sym­bi­ot­ic rela­tion­ship between humans and nature.

This exhibition follows Katherine Lockett-Clark's award winning work, 'A Bird in the Hand', where she explores the dynamic and relationship of nature and humans and how they're connected, through her photographic work. 'Illuminated' explores a hidden and complex world full of magic, wonder and mystery through the countryside at night time. She focuses on creative and new ways of connecting ourselves to the world around us, using shadows and light.
Katherine Lockett-Clark MFA is a photographic and visual artist, creative arts practitioner as well as writer and director of The Open School of Creative Arts and Well Being. She also teaches creative dance and drama at The Plough Arts Centre.