

I AM PIFFY” show­cas­es the pri­ma­ry body of work pro­duced by artist Kim Piffy over the last five years.

28/01/22 – 02/02/22
Opening Times
Sun–Wed, 12:00 – 20:00
Thu–Sat, Closed
Each of the eight exhibited artworks, one tapestry and seven collages, represents a pivotal moment in a figurative journey towards self-awareness. Crossing the threshold from reality into an incorporeal realm; Kim converses with her psyche.
The style of the artworks is bold, modern and aggressive. Kim's mixed media collages are cleverly constructed, creating an overflowing dynamism on the surface: an intrinsic energy that originates in the relationship between textures, colours and patterns. This dynamic connection between the different parts of the image catches and fixes the attention of the viewer making them sink completely in the depicted world.
You will be guided through a synesthetic experience that interests the mind as much as the eye, blending a complex and intriguing concept with an original aesthetic.

The collection is exhibited in daylight every day from 12 noon or join us as we slowly sink into ultra violet from 6pm every evening